The aim of the Theology program is to instill in our students a deep love of our Catholic Faith and for Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Theology Department seeks to direct the quest for truth, beauty, and goodness written in the human heart toward its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through the study of Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, students will grow in the understanding of their faith and a biblical worldview, and they will be prepared to give reasons for their Christian hope with gentleness and respect. The Department seeks also to foster a love for the Sacred Liturgy and filial love for the Holy Mother Church. This study of the “highest science” will be done in dialogue and synergy with the other sciences, showing the harmony between faith and reason, doctrine and life, contemplation, and action.


  • Sacred Scripture and Dogmatic Theology

  • History of the Church

  • Moral Theology and Catholic Social Teaching

  • Vocations, Call to Holiness, and Apologetics


The philosophy of the Mathematics Department is to enhance and expand on mathematical knowledge. We strive to offer a learning environment that fosters analytical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Students work on a daily basis on the fundamentals of mathematics that will ultimately prepare them for the everyday uses of mathematics that they will need to be successful after graduating. The department and its faculty strive to inspire in each student an appreciation of mathematics and its practical real-world applications. The Accelerated Math track is the Honors level that allows students to take AP courses as upperclassmen.


  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Precalculus
  • College Algebra and Trigonometry
  • Statistics
  • Accelerated Math Track


  • AP Precalculus
  • AP Calculus
  • AP Statistics


  • Computer Science
The English Department seeks to inspire virtue and a deeper pursuit of the timeless truths of our Faith and intellectual heritage in our students. Through the study of literature, students will gain a deeper understanding of humanity, as well as the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to grow in self-knowledge and wisdom.

The English curriculum spans all four years and is designed to assist students both in developing a lifetime habit of intelligent reading and in acquiring a facility for effective written expression in a variety of forms. Classes in all years are discussion-oriented and assume the active participation of the students.

In Grades 9 and 10, the literature component of the curriculum focuses on World Literature from the Ancient World to Modern and European Literature. In Grade 11, we focus on American Literature with the option to take AP Language and Composition. In Grade 12, students have the option to take AP Literature and Composition or a college readiness course for a semester followed by another semester-long elective intended to respond to the broad array of student interests. We offer an Honors track across the four-year curriculum. In all classes, students are encouraged to achieve their full potential and accomplish their academic goals.


  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Precalculus
  • College Algebra and Trigonometry
  • Statistics
  • Accelerated Math Track


  • AP Precalculus
  • AP Calculus
  • AP Statistics


  • Computer Science

The History Department’s goal is to foster an understanding and a love of the human story, from the time of God’s creation to the present day. Beginning with World History in Grades 9 and 10, students will read and analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources to learn about how civilizations formed, rose, and fell throughout the world. As they progress through high school, students will narrow their focus from the broader Western Civilization to the history of the United States of America, before choosing more specific electives and requirements in their senior year.

Students will learn to recognize cause and effect as they study the continuum of history. They will also learn to conduct thorough research, recognize the points of view of various authors, write convincingly and eloquently, and speak effectively to convey their points.


  • World History Ancient to Medieval

  • World History Renaissance to Modern

  • American History Economics-Civics


  • AP U.S. History

  • AP World History

  • AP European History

  • AP U.S. Government

  • AP Microeconomics


  • International Relations

  • Introduction to Economics


The primary purpose of the Science program at Mater Salvatoris is to foster in each student the knowledge of and respect for the wonder and order of creation. Students will be provided with methods of analyzing, investigating, and explaining scientific data in our physical, chemical, and biological world. Accompanied by their teachers, students will learn to conscientiously and logically evaluate the truths at hand and maintain the unity between faith and reason.

The curriculum will follow the course of the natural sciences -Biology, Chemistry, and Physics- and it will be enriched with hands-on laboratory experiments and observations to stimulate thought processes, arouse curiosity, and visualize abstractions that act as catalysts for learning. The students will gain an appreciation for the beauty and goodness of God’s creation, respect for the dignity of the human person, and a sense of personal responsibility for the directions science and technology will take in the course of their lives.


  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics


  • AP Biology

  • AP Chemistry

  • AP Physics 1


  • Earth Science

  • Biotechnology


Language study forms a disposition of openness to experience other peoples and cultures, learning their ways of communication and traditions, and it helps us to see that the world is a larger place than our own personal experience. Language is the vehicle of communication and a doorway to wisdom. At Mater Salvatoris, fluency in languages is fundamental for a thorough education. Learning a second language helps our students to develop their minds, as well as the social and communication skills they need to succeed within a multicultural and diverse society. Mater Salvatoris offers Latin (Cambridge Latin Program), Spanish, and French (ACTFL Standards). Starting in Grade 11, students will have the opportunity to participate in AP Spanish and AP Latin courses.


  • Latin I
  • Latin II
  • Latin III


  • Spanish I
  • Spanish II
  • Spanish III
  • Spanish IV


  • French I
  • French II
  • French III
  • French IV


  • AP Latin
  • AP Spanish Language and Culture
  • AP Spanish Literature and Culture

The Philosophy curriculum is aimed toward conforming one’s mind to reality as it is. Students will first learn how to think logically through training in formal and material logic. Armed with these skills, students will be equipped to consider key philosophical concepts and questions about nature and the world around them, human beings and human nature, and finally, the divine and God Himself. The curriculum uses the major works of Aristotle as its framework, with complementary texts by Plato and Aquinas, among others.


  • Introduction to Philosophy

  • Human Nature and Human Action


  • Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Metaphysics

* All the electives listed may vary according to students’ interests.